Access trusted and renowned hosts to authentically amplify the reach of your brand across platforms.
We’re storytellers. We know what makes a good story, and we do a kick-ass job telling them.
Is there anything better than having future clients hear your ad in a podcast and then reach out to learn more? That is exactly what happened when advertised with host-read ads in Business Wars. Naturally their next question was, “how can we take this to the next level?”
Custom segments allow a brand a deeper type of integration with the host and audience by having a representative of the brand discuss their key messages and case studies with the host in a Q&A style interview. When contextually placed, it sounds like it’s part of the show - native and immersive!
Custom segments are broken up into three sixty-second slots and dispersed within the show sequentially (the same podcast listener is served all three placements within the one episode). This allowed the ability to really create a narrative and drive an authentic connection with the audience.